This summary shows initial unemployment insurance claims in Washington State for health care related
occupations through 4/18/2020 as a percentage of total employment of each occupation in 5/2019. These data
(download PDF) are from the Washington State Department of Employment Security (unemployment claims) and the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment Survey (total employed by occupation).
Figure 1. Washington State Initial Unemployment Claims 3/8-4/18/2020: Health-Related Occupations as a
Percentage of Total Employed
Table 1. Washington State Initial Unemployment Claims for Health Care Occupations*
Data Sources: Washington State Employment Security Department, LMEA, 4/16/2020; US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Survey 5/2019
*Includes occupations for which initial claims comprised >1% of total occupation employment in Washington State in May, 2019
**Total claims as of 4/18/2020 represent a slight undercount because small numbers in some counties were suppressed for confidentiality