Welcome new DFM team members to TRUST, CUSP, and the Osher Center
Iman Majd, MD
We would like to introduce new faculty member, Dr. Iman Majd, who recently joined the DFM in July 2018 as clinical assistant professor, and clinic director of our new Osher Clinic for Integrative Medicine currently at the UWNC Ballard Neighborhood Clinic. As part of the Osher team at Ballard, Dr. Majd will be doing integrative medicine consultations and acupuncture. For a time, he will also continue his primary care practice at the Factoria Neighborhood Clinic where he has practiced integrative family medicine and acupuncture for several years. Iman completed our UW Family Medicine Residency Program and prior to that, received a Masters of Science in acupuncture from Bastyr University. He is also associate director of the clinical core for our new Osher Center for Integrative Medicine. He is very active nationally and internationally as a board member of the Academic Consortium of Integrative Medicine and Health, and chair of the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, which sets the standards for national certification of acupuncturists.
Edwin Lindo, JD
We are very excited to welcome Edwin Lindo, JD, to the Department of Family Medicine and to the School of Medicine Curriculum Office. Edwin started on August 1.
Edwin received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration/International Relations from the University of the Pacific in Stockton and his Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from the University of Washington School of Law, where he currently holds an Affiliate Faculty. His teaching responsibilities there included several courses such as Race & Law: explores race and racism within systems of law and other societal institutions and examines the often-omitted topics of race, social inequities and oppression; topics necessary to achieve a full understanding of systemic and institutional power and Latino/a Critical Race Theory: focuses on understanding intellectual and theoretical frameworks of Latino/a critical race and law within the larger jurisprudential and political systems. Edwin also taught an Introduction to Multicultural Studies at Shoreline Community College. Honors include Hero Award Recipient, San Francisco Human Rights Commission. 2016; Community Hero Award Recipient, San Francisco LitQuake Festival. LitQuake is an organization comprised of local bookstores that choose community members who have made a transformational change in the community. 2016; and Awardee, King County Bar Association. 2011.
Edwin recently opened Estelita’s Library, a book haven/conversation hub housed inside The Wine Station on Beacon Hill. Calling his new venture a “justice focused community bookstore and library,” Edwin has amassed a wide range of books (from his own collection and from various library sales) about matters of social justice, race, class, politics and the history of oppressed peoples. He hopes to partner with community organizations to offer a variety of classes, book talks and spoken word events — a place that sparks minds young and old.
His faculty and student development activities will focus on addressing issues of racial and social inequities found in medical education, the bedside, and in medical research. This will involve dedicated time to MEDEX Northwest and to other sections in the DFM, including assisting with diversity committees and initiatives and leadership development. Other efforts will include broader development efforts within UWSOM.
Edwin will continue his work with the UW SOM Ecology of Health and Medicine course, which integrates principals of ethics, professionalism, inter professional education and communication, health equity, diversity, social determinants of health, global and population health, lifelong learning, health systems form and function and health systems improvements through a four-year curriculum. He will create an elective course on Critical Race Theory and Medicine, which will address an unmet need within current elective offerings in UWSOM. In addition, Edwin will assist in DFM educational activities in the medical student education and residency sections.
Specifically, he will work with the DFM Community-Focused Urban Scholars Program (CUSP), which is a comprehensive approach to diversifying the UWSOM student population and addressing WWAMI’s urban underserved physician workforce shortage through pipeline development and community-based medical school training. The CUSP Scholars engage in a four-year, integrated curriculum which offers in depth public health training, clinical experiences in underserved settings through mentorship, reflection and service learning. It is expected that some research and scholarship would result from this work while other efforts will address areas of critical race theory and the effects of race and racism on underserved communities as it pertains to medicine and social determinants of health for communities of color.
Please join me in giving Edwin a warm welcome to the Department of Family Medicine and the School of Medicine.
Kim Kardonsky, MD
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Kim Kardonsky to the Department of Family Medicine and to the School of Medicine Office of Rural Programs! Kim started on July 2 with the Family Medicine Medical Student Education Section and the SOM Office of Rural Programs. Her clinical work will begin at Harborview Family Medical Center in September.
Kim graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, and completed her residency at Swedish Family Medicine at Cherry Hill, with her continuity clinic at the Seattle Indian Health Board. After completing residency, she worked full time at the Indian Health Board of Minneapolis clinic. Concurrently, she worked at Planned Parenthood and also assisted in a family medicine residency call group for obstetrics. She moved back to Seattle when her husband completed his residency training, and she began work at the Tulalip Health Clinic.
Kim’s special interests include Native American health, women’s health and teaching. Teaching has been a long interest of Kim’s as she feels it is an integral part of being an effective family physician. Prior to medical school, she was a middle school science teacher, and her students inspired her to continue teaching, mentoring and supporting people to reach their goals.
Kim is Director of the Underserved Pathway, a program which helps prepare future physicians to care for vulnerable and underserved populations. The Pathway engages students in three educational avenues: mentoring, developing a foundation of knowledge, and a variety of real-world experiences. Over 300 students, across all four medical school classes, annually enroll in the Pathway.
In addition, Kim will serve as the Director of the Targeted Rural Underserved Scholars Track (TRUST) that is housed within Rural Programs. TRUST is a four-year integrated pathway for entering medical students interested in careers working in underserved rural communities and small cities in the WWAMI region. TRUST was established in 2008, and has grown exponentially in the past 10 years, accepting 34 new students with the entering class of 2018.
Please join us in giving Kim a warm welcome to the Department of Family Medicine and the School of Medicine.