The Department of Family Medicine was very well represented at the 44th annual North American Primary Care Research Group conference in Colorado Springs this week. Over 9 faculty and staff from 3 of our Sections presented workshops, posters, presentations at this premiere event for primary care research. Our presentations covered a wide range of topics – from rural health, to practice-based research, reproductive health, infections, diagnostic testing, research capacity building and publishing. An awesome showing by the UW, representing the research of many colleagues in the WWAMI region and beyond!
ID14 Prevalence of Hepatitis C Screening in Primary Care
Allison Cole, MD, MPH; Gina Keppel; Laura-Mae Baldwin, MD, MPH
ET14 Training Family Medicine Residents to Perform Home Visits: A CERA Survey
Tomoko Sairenji, MD; Lars Peterson, MD, PhD; Frank D’Amico, PhD; Stephen A. Wilson, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Laura-Mae Baldwin, MD, MPH; Laurene M. Tumiel-Berhalter, PhD; Allison Cole, MD, MPH; Pamela Harold; Gina Keppel
Victoria Hardy; Matthew J. Thompson, MD, MPH, DPhil; William Alto; Gina Keppel; Jaime Hornecker, PharmD; Adriana Catalina Linares, MD, MPH, DrPH; Beth Colleen Robitaille, MD; Laura-Mae Baldwin, MD, MPH
Emily Godfrey, MD, MPH; Lisa Callegari; Kelly Gilmore; Alison Ojanen-Goldsmith
WS17 Collaboration between Primary Care and Public Health: Current State, Future Potential
Rebekah J Pratt; Laura-Mae Baldwin, MD, MPH; David L Hahn, MD, MS; Donald Nease Jr, MD; Kevin A. Peterson, MD, MPH
P461 Clinic Support for Chronic Opioid Therapy Predicts Clinician Confidence in Prescribing
Michael L Parchman, MD; Laura-Mae Baldwin, MD, MPH; Brooke Ike; Mark R Stephens; Michael Von Korff
RU13 Rural-Centric Residencies to Prepare Physicians for Rural Practice
Davis G Patterson, PhD; Holly Andrilla; Cynthia Coulthard; Lisa Garberson; Randall L. Longenecker, MD; David Schmitz, MD
P450 Community Paramedicine’s Potential to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps
Davis G Patterson, PhD; Cynthia Coulthard; Lisa Garberson; Gary Wingrove
Victoria Hardy; Matthew J. Thompson, MD, MPH, DPhil; Gina Keppel; William Alto; Maegan Dirac; Jon O. Neher, MD; Christopher A. Sanford, MD; Jaime Hornecker, PharmD; Allison Cole, MD, MPH
Michael Moore, FRCGP; Beth Stuart; Sue Smith; Kyle Knox; Ann Van den Bruel, MD, PhD; Matthew J. Thompson, MD, MPH, DPhil; Mark Lown; Paul S. Little, MD, MBBS, MCRP, MRCP; David Mant
Michael Moore, FRCGP; Beth Stuart; Sue Smith; Kyle Knox; Ann Van den Bruel, MD, PhD; Matthew J. Thompson, MD, MPH, DPhil; Mark Lown; Paul S. Little, MD, MBBS, MCRP, MRCP; David Mant
Paul S. Little, MD, MBBS, MCRP, MRCP; Kyle Knox; Mark Lown; Michael Moore, FRCGP; Sue Smith; Beth Stuart; Matthew J. Thompson, MD, MPH, DPhil; Ann Van den Bruel, MD, PhD; David Mant
P189 Pursuing Personal Passion: The 3P Interview to Help New Researchers Focus Study Questions
William R. Phillips, MD, MPH
WS33 Revising Your Report: How to Turn a Good Manuscript Into a Great Publication
William R. Phillips, MD, MPH; Louise Acheson, MD, MS; Alan Adelman, MD, MS; Elizabeth A. Bayliss, MD, MSPH; Robert L. Ferrer, MD, MPH; Michael Johansen, MD; Bijal Balasubramanian, MBBS, PhD; Deborah J Cohen, PhD; Timothy P Daaleman, DO, MPH; John Frey III, MD; James M. Gill, MD, MPH; Robin S Gotler, MA; Miguel Marino, PhD; Laura A McLellan, MLS; Lars Peterson, MD, PhD; Kurt C. Stange, MD, PhD; Robert L Williams, MD, MPH
WS24 The Building Research Capacity Initiative
F. David Schneider, MD, MSPH; Ardis K. Davis, MSW; Frank Verloin deGruy III, MD, MSFM; Bernard G. Ewigman, MD, MSPH, FAAFP; Lee A. Green, MD, MPH; Dana E. King MD, MS, MD; Anton J. Kuzel, MD, MHPE; Tom Vansaghi, PhD