A note from Acting Family Medicine Department Chair Matthew Thompson, MBChB, MPH, DPhil, MRCGP:
I recently reviewed the results of the AAMC graduation questionnaire, and am delighted to note that UWSOM students continue to rate the FM clinical experiences very highly. 76.6 % (Compared to 51.8 % nationally) of our students rated the quality of FM clinical educational experience as Excellent in 2016. We also continue to do well with observing students, providing feedback, and effectiveness of faculty and resident teaching.
Looking at factors influencing specialty choice, things that stand out are – fit with personality/interests/skills, content of specialty, work life balance, and role model influence. It is critical that we continue to have high visibility within the UWSOM curriculum as well as representation and engagement with Admissions Committees. Also worth noting is that almost half (47% compared to 29% nationally) of our students definitely plan to care primarily for an underserved population. It makes good sense to strengthen our existing programs (e.g Underserved Pathway, RUOP, TRUST) that help our students achieve their goals, and possibly start new ones.
Thanks to all our staff and faculty based in the MSE Section and across multiple participating clinics in the WWAMI states, who make these excellent achievements possible. Our Family Medicine student experiences are truly outstanding!
Best wishes,
Matthew Thompson