WWAMI region Practice and Research Network selects Hepatitis C as topic for EHR data Practice Improvement Study. A continuing priority for the WPRN in 2015 is to conduct projects that use electronic health record (EHR) data to inform practice improvement. Following a successful project in 2014 that used EHR data to explore the use of sleep medications, representatives from WPRN practices identified clinical topics of importance to their practices and chose to explore Hepatitis C screening in 2015. Specifically, across the WPRN, practices will identify the proportion of patients born between 1945-1965 who have laboratory evidence of a completed HCV Ab test, since publication of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Guideline for birth cohort hepatitis C screening (June 2013). To-date, ten practices have expressed interest in participating.
In addition, the WPRN will host a webinar presented by colleagues from Qualis Health on October 30th entitled ‘Health IT and Quality Improvement: How to optimize technology for better health outcomes.’ To attend the webinar or for more information about the WPRN please contact Gina Keppel