In February, a team headed by Freddy Chen as PI and Amanda Weidner as staff lead received a grant from the American Board of Family Medicine to develop a national graduate survey on behalf of the ABFM and the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors. The survey will be administered by the ABFM as part of the Maintenance of Certification process starting January 2016. Data from this survey will be shared in aggregate with individual residency programs to help them meet the ACGME requirement to survey all graduates and to assist with continuous quality improvement of residency education.
The survey team (Freddy, Amanda, Davis Patterson, Holly Andrilla, Tiffany Hou, Bill Phillips, Nancy Stevens, and Bianca Frogner) first completed an in-depth needs assessment process, which included numerous stakeholder interviews, review of graduate surveys from programs around the country, and roundtable discussions with Program Directors. Multiple rounds of pilot testing of the survey were conducted to hone the survey and stakeholders were consulted again for approval of the work product. The final draft of the survey was submitted to the ABFM on August 31.