Registration is now open for the “47th Annual Advances in Family Medicine and Primary Care” Conference. This program will be held September 9-13, 2019, at the Magnuson Health Sciences Center, on the University of Washington Campus in Seattle, Washington. We have also added a day long pre-conference which is taking place on Sunday, September 8th titled “Integrative Primary Care: How a Focus on Health Can Expand Your Tool Box.”
This is the 47th year that the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine is offering five days of educational opportunities for family medicine and primary care health care providers. Each year, the goal is to provide current information about practice skills and the diagnosis and management of a broad array of primary health care issues. This course offers a wide variety of interactive workshops to reinforce and deepen content that is shared in the plenary sessions. And with the twin crises around inadequate pain care and opioids, the need for additional education on integrative medicine pain care is critical. This comprehensive program will provide high quality education on a variety of topics with the goal to prepare primary care practitioners and health care professionals to thrive in the changing environment.
We have an exciting program this year, with the NEW Sunday pre-conference on integrative medicine which is brought to you by the Osher Center, bringing two outstanding Keynote speakers who are inspiring pioneers in the field, will no doubt start your week with information you will not want to miss. Throughout the week, we will present important primary topics such as buprenorphine waiver training, health effects of vaping, and transgender care. In addition, we will provide hands-on workshops on suturing, joint injections, and gynecologic procedures. These are a few examples of the over 60 topics presented with a variety of interactive workshops to reinforce and deepen content that is shared in large group plenary sessions.