
Research Section
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M. HCCI emerging uses of claims data (part 1). Webinar for National Academy for State Health Policy, Dec 3, 2015, Washington, DC.
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M. Early findings from study on early and unrestricted access to physical therapy. Roundtable presentation at National Academy of State Health Policy, Oct 24, 2015, Dallas, TX.
Godfrey EM, Webster WW, Costantini LC, Katilius JZ. Passive fertility prediction using a novel vaginal ring and smartphone application. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 2015 Annual Conference, Oct 2015, Baltimore MD.
Godfrey EM, Sutko A, Keppel G, West I, Baldwin LM. Patterns of contraceptive prescribing by family medicine providers in U.S. women with cardiovascular disease. NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Oct 2015, Cancun, MX.
Godfrey EM, Sutko A, Keppel G, West I, Baldwin LM. Patterns of contraceptive prescribing by family medicine providers in U.S. women with cardiovascular disease. NAFFP Annual Meeting, Nov 2015, Chicago, IL.
Kerr KJ, Moghadam BY, Levenson AM, Thompson, MJ, Posner, JD, 100-Fold Improvement in Detection Limit of Group-A Strep Lateral Flow Immunoassays Using Isotachophoresis. Proceedings of NIH-IEEE Strategic Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies for Precision Medicine, 2015 Nov 9-10.
Longenecker R, Schmitz, D, Patterson DG. Rural training tracks. Presented at the 2015 Rural Health Summit, Sept 1, 2015, Portland, OR.
Nguyen M, Godfrey EM, Safranek S, Petrescu-Prahova M. Getting the best evidence: A systematic review of strategies to disseminate and implement family planning guidelines into primary care (Abstract). 143rd Annual APHA meeting, Dec 2015, Chicago, IL.
Ojanen-Goldsmith A. Godfrey EM, Safranek S, Petrescu-Prahova M, Thompson MJ. Family planning at the forefront: A systematic review of the strategic integration of family planning services into primary care (Abstract). 143rd Annual APHA meeting, Dec 2015, Chicago, IL.
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM. Person, program or place? Physicians choosing rural practice. Presented at the 2015 Physician Recruitment Summit, New England Journal of Medicine CareerCenter, Sept 25, 2015, Boston, MA.
Patterson DG, CHA Andrilla, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM, Hanscom J. Attracting rural physicians: new findings on rural training, practice choices, and care for vulnerable populations. Presented at the 2015 Rural Health Summit, Sept 1, 2015, Portland, OR.
Patterson DG. Characteristics of rural vs. urban community paramedicine programs and a summary of the evidence available on their outcomes. Presented to the Joint Committee on Rural Emergency Care, 2015 Rural Health Summit, Sept 3, 2015, Portland, OR.
Skillman SM, Hager LJ. A new approach to monitoring changes in health workforce demand: Washington’s health workforce industry sentinel network. Presented to the Washington State Allied Health Center of Excellence, Deans and Directors meeting, Nov 19, 2015, Seattle, WA.
Skillman SM. Health workforce planning for a changing future: data, intelligence and crystal balls. Invited presentation to the Health Professions Network Fall Meeting, Oct 2, 2015, Seattle, WA.
Skillman SM. Health workforce planning for Washington’s changing future. Invited presentation to the Washington State House of Representatives Health and Wellness Committee, Nov 20, 2015, Olympia, WA.
Sutko A, Godfrey EM, West I, Baldwin LM. Primary Care Providers’ Contraception Prescription to Hypertensive Women – Can We Do Better?  NAPCRG 2015 Fellows, Resident, Student Poster on Research in Progress, 2015 NAPCRG Annual Meeting.
Thompson MJ, Hardy V, Keppel G, Hornecker J, Alto B, Linares A, Robitaille B, Baldwin LM. Which Point of Care Tests are needed in Family Medicine settings? Proceedings of NIH-IEEE Strategic Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies for Precision Medicine, 2015 Nov 9-10.
Thompson MJ, Weigl B, Fitzpatrick A, Ide N. More than just accuracy’: A novel method to incorporate multiple test attributes in evaluating Point of Care Tests. Proceedings of NIH-IEEE Strategic Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies for Precision Medicine, 2015 Nov 9-10
Thompson MJ. mHealth, point of care testing and primary care – a perfect storm of opportunities? UW mHealth Seminars, Sept 2015
MEDEX Speakers at PAEA November 2015
Admissions Best Practices. Presented by Jeanie McHugo PhD, PA-C; Doug Brock PhD; Keren Wick PhD; Carolyn Bradley-Guidry, MPAS, PA-C, BSN.
Practical and Effective Strategies to Promote PA Faculty Scholarly Activity. Presented by Gerald Kayingo PhD, PA-C; Keren Wick PhD.
Interview Models: A Perspective from Three PA Programs. Presented by Kay Denler BA, Mariah Kindle MSOL, Dianna Wachtel DHSc, MS, PA-C.
Why I’ve Loved My Job. Presented by Ruth Ballweg MPA, PA-C.
The What, When, and How of Interprofessional Education: Multiple Perspectives. Presented by: Denise Kolojechick-Coslett MS, PA-C; Linda Vorvick MD; Kevin Lohenry PhD, PA-C; Elana Min PhD, PA-C; Erin Kilduff MS, PA-C.
Physician Assistant Liability: National Practioner Data Bank Analysis. Presented by: Douglas Brock PhD, Jeffrey Nicholson PhD PA-C, Roderick Hooker PhD PA.
Medical Directors Retreat. Facilitated by: Tim Evans MD, PhD.
Posters by MEDEX Faculty
Am I Going to Fail The PANCE? Estimating Risk. Authors: Douglas Brock PhD; Linda Vorvick MD; Amee Naidu MMS, PA-C; Alicia Quella PhD, MPAS, PA-C; Kira Vader MA, MHS, PA-C; Terry Scott MPA, PA-C.
Knowledge and Attitudes About the PA Profession in British Columbia. Authors: Dianna Wachtel DHSc, MS, PA-C; Jeff Alexander PhD.
Physician Assistant Mistreatment During Training: Assessment and Intervention. Authors: Timothy Quigley MPH, PA-C; Douglas Brock PhD; Douglas Schaad PhD.
The Bachelors Option: Did it Benefit Veterans? Authors: Keren Wick PhD; Timothy Evans MD, PhD.