Bauer AM, Rue T, Keppel GA, Cole AM, Baldwin LM, Katon W. Use of mobile health (mHealth) tools by primary care patients in the WWAMI region Practice and Research Network (WPRN). J Am Board Fam Med. 2014 Nov-Dec;27(6):780-8
Bauer A, Rue T, Keppel G, Cole A, Baldwin LM, Katon W. Primary Care Patients’ comfort using mobile devices to share health information. Translational Science conference, Washington, D.C., April 16-18, 2015.
Brock, D.M., Blakeney, E.A.R., and Chiu C. (2015) Assessment of IPE to move beyond attitudes: Featured tools and case studies from the field. Invited webinar by the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative. January 8, 2015.
Dolor RJ, Schmit K, Graham D, Fox CH, Baldwin LM. Guidance For Researchers Developing and Conducting Clinical Trials In Practice-Based Research Networks. J Am Board Fam Med. 2014 Nov-Dec;27(6):750-8
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Lynge DC. Variability in General Surgical Procedures in Rural and Urban U.S. Hospital Inpatient Settings. Policy Brief #142. Seattle: WA, WWAMI Rural Health Research Center, University of Washington, February 2015.
Fleming S, Atherton H, McCartney D, Hodgkinson J, Greenfield S, Hobbs FD, Mant J, McManus RJ,Thompson M, Ward A, Heneghan C. Self-Screening and Non-Physician Screening for Hypertension in Communities: A Systematic Review. Am J Hypertens. 2015 Mar 23. pii: hpv029.
Frogner BK, Spetz J. Entry and Exit of Workers in Long-Term Care. UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care Research Report. Jan 2015; available at:
Frogner BK, Spetz J, Parente ST, Oberlin S. The Demand for Health Care Workers Post-ACA. International Journal of Health Economics and Management. 2015; 15(1): 139-151.
Nunan D, Thompson M, Heneghan C, Perera R, McManus R, Ward A. J. Accuracy of self-monitored blood pressure for diagnosing hypertension in primary care. Hypertens 2015;33:755-62
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Ostergard S, Morrison C, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM. Residency Training to Prepare Future Rural Family Physicians. Presented at 28th Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 18, 2015.
Patterson DG, Garberson L, Andrilla CHA. The Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps. Presented at 28th Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 18, 2015.
Phillips WR. Caring as the core of your career. Invited presentation to the combined medical school class at A.T. Still School of Osteopathic Medicine – Arizona, HealthPoint campus, Renton, WA, Jan. 16, 2015.
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA. Nurse Practitioners in Rural America: Findings from 3 recent studies.Presented at 28th Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 18, 2015.
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Fenton SH, Ostergard SJ. Health information technology workforce needs of rural primary care practices. J Rural Health, Winter 2015, 31(1):58-66.
Skillman, SM, Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Stover B. Experiences Using the
National Provider Identifier (NPI) for Health Workforce Research. Webinar for the Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center, State University of New York, Albany, NY, March 25, 2015.
Skillman SM. Health Workforce Planning: Who, What, How? Presented at the National Governors Association’s Health Workforce Policy Academy Retreat, Indianapolis, IN, March 23, 2015.
Skillman SM. 2014 Physician Supply, Distribution, and Education Pathways in the WWAMI States.Presented by Suzanne Allen at the Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 19, 2015.
Sutko A, Godfrey E, Baldwin LM, West I. Hypertension and Contraception: Why Long acting reversible methods of contraception are best. Poster presented at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Orlando, FL, April 2015.
Thompson M. Safety-netting- how and what to provide? Symposium on Management of children with fever. Department of General Practice, Erasmus MC, Netherlands, March 25th, 2015
Torres, L., D. K. Turok, J. Sanders, E. Clark and E. Godfrey. Focused contraceptive counseling and case management versus usual care in women postpartum from a preterm birth: a randomized-controlled trial. Poster presented at the North American Forum of Family Planning, October 2014.
Usher-Smith J, Thompson M, Zhu H, Sharp S, Walter F. The pathway to diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children: a questionnaire study. BMJ Open 2015;5:e006470
Venekamp RP, Thompson MJ, Rovers MM. Systemic corticosteroid therapy for acute sinusitis. JAMA. 2015 Mar 24-31;313(12):1258-9
Wu JP, Godfrey EM, Prine L, Anderson KL, MacNaughton H, Gold M. Women’s Satisfaction with Abortion care in academic family medicine centers. Fam Med. 2015 Feb;47 (2):98-106.
Marusina, K., Welsch, D.J., Rose, L., Brock, D.M., Bahr, N., Cohen, A.M., Grace-Sinclair, R.A., Vang, P., Ruminski, P.G., Bloom, B.E., Boccanfuso, A.M., Nagasawa, P., & Guo, B.P. (2014). The CTSA Pharmaceutical Assets Portal—A Public-Private Partnership Model for Drug Repositioning. In R. Chagutura (Ed.) Collaborative Innovation in Drug Discovery: Strategies for Public and Private Partnerships. Wiley and Sons.
Posters & Oral Presentations
Smith, S., Berman, N.B., Dell, M.S, Kogan, J.R., Brock, D.M., and Robins, L.S. (2014). Creation of an assessment framework for student summary statements. Poster presented at the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, Ottawa, ON.
Sonney, J., Willgerodt, M.A., Lindhorst, T., and Brock, D.B. (2014) IPE for Advanced Health Professions: Elizabeth – Typical or Troubled Teen? Poster presented at the All Together Better Health VII, Pittsburg, PA.
Willgerodt, M.A., Liner, D.A., Sonney, J., Velan, E. Fischer, R., and Brock, D.B. (2014) Exploring the feasibility of an integrated education-to-practice curricula for advanced health trainees in pediatric oral health. Poster presented at IOM 2014 meeting, Washington, DC.
Willgerodt, M.A., Liner, D.A., Sonney, J., Velan, E., Fischer, R., and Brock, D.M. (2014). Taking IPE from Classroom to Community: The i-TEETH Program. Invited poster presented at Macy Foundation, New York.