Tuesday, May 3, 2016, 12-1 PM |
You are invited to our UW Department of Family Medicine’s monthly Research Seminar Series. We welcome all learners, faculty, and staff. Feel free to bring your lunch. Light snacks will be provided.
PRESENTER: IAN M BENNETT, MD, PhD Professor, Family Medicine, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences |
TOPIC: “Participatory Design for a Web Portal to Support Practice
DESCRIPTION: The UW Primary Care Innovation Lab (PCI-Lab) is developing a novel electronic resource (web portal) to support practice transformation in the State of Washington. This three-year project is part of the larger Healthier Washington work funded by the Innovation Center of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). A participatory design and rapid prototyping strategy will be utilized in which end users will be collaboratively involved with the development of this tool. We will lay out the background and framework for carrying out this work. |
Roosevelt 1 building, 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite 308, Conference Room 357