News - Mental Health Resources

Brief Behavioral Skills Modules

Free online behavioral skills training for treat anxiety (brief exposure), depression (behavioral activation), and crisis [...]

How to Assess Front-Line Workers for Mental Health Concerns

A step by step guide to how to assess front-line workers presenting with mental health [...]

Integrated Care Training Program COVID-19 Resources

General resources on mental health treatment relevant to primary care and psychiatry

UW Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Dept COVID-19 Resources

General resources on mental health and caregiver resources during COVID-19

Big list of mental health and COVID resoures

Mental Health America's list of vetted mental health and COVID resources across many areas

UW Medicine COVID-19 Support Website

UW Medicine's COVID-19 support website of resources

WHO Mental Health and COVID page

The World Health Organization page for coping with mental illness during times of COVID.

AACAP disaster liaison network online training videos

A series of training videos from the American Acadmey of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for [...]

APA 7 research findings to help guide COVID stress response

American Psychological Association page with seven research findings that illuminate our responses to stress and [...]

APA Website: Resources for Psychiatrists, Families, Healthcare workers

The American Psychiatry Association page with links for psychiatrists, families and health care providers for [...]