The UW Department of Family Medicine is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 DFM Awards! Family Medicine attracts exceptional faculty and staff who have made remarkable contributions to the department, to the specialty, and to their communities. We are thrilled to honor these individuals and teams in the following award categories:
Administrative Excellence | Clinical Service Excellence | Educational Excellence | Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Excellence | Leadership Excellence | Research & Scholarship Excellence | Team Excellence
Find more information about the DFM Awards program online.

David De Block Wells, MA
DFM Residency
Administrative Excellence

Lauren Kathleen Paladino, DO
DFM Sports Medicine
Clinical Service Excellence

Joel K Carey, MD, MPH
UWMPC Kent/Des Moines
Educational Excellence

Tiffany Hou, MSIS
DFM Family Medicine Residency Network
Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Excellence

London Ash Breedlove, Psy.D.
DFM Behavioral Health
Leadership Excellence

Davis G. Patterson, PhD
DFM Research
Research & Scholarship Excellence

MEDEX Admissions and Student SErvices
MEDEX Northwest
Team Excellence