ARTE Student Module 3 - Reflection

Student Exercises - Reflection

1. Note on your Question Card at least one example of each observation:

  • You noticed in yourself an emotional reaction to the patient.
  • You felt uncomfortable with a choice made by a patient.
  • The relationship with the patient seemed to be an important part of the care.
  • You observed something in your preceptor that you want to emulate.
  • You observed something in your preceptor that you want to avoid.

2. Recall a recent patient with whom you worked through a clinical decision balancing risks and benefits. Did the patient make the same choice you would have made? How much might your own values have influenced the process and the patient’s decision? How did you manage the process in real time?

3. At the end of each of the next three days, reflect on your clerkship experience and note how it might have changed you, for example, in areas such as:

  • Personal growth
  • Professioal growth
  • Clinical wisdom
  • Career plans

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