If you feel that every person deserves an accessible, high quality health care provider who is their advocate within a complex system, then consider partnering with the Department of Family Medicine to build the primary care model of the future! Family Physicians provide comprehensive, cost-effective, high-quality health care for individuals and their families. As a counterbalance to the fragmented and specialized approaches used within other parts of healthcare, Family Medicine uses a broad whole-person approach that integrates biological, clinical, social and behavioral science to craft a plan in pursuit of health. To Family Physicians, accessible, safe, affordable, evidence-based care that is respectful of patient preferences and culture is essential to optimal physical and mental health. Join us by supporting our work and our mission!
Family Medicine Fund
Make a gift to support the Department of Family Medicine in our mission to leverage the transformative power of family medicine to create more just and equitable healthcare for all through education, scholarship, and clinical care. When you contribute an unrestricted gift, it allows the Department of Family Medicine to remain nimble and invest the funds in areas of greatest need. This may mean supporting a new initiative, or expanding on efforts that are succeeding and growing. Your gift is an investment in the future of Family Medicine!
support Family MedicineEndowed Professorships
Professorships help attract and retain top faculty to UW Department of Family Medicine — and provide them the resources they need to advance innovative primary care to our communities. These named gifts can be a special tribute to someone important to you and offer a lasting legacy that can change healthcare through education, research and innovative clinical care.
Would you like to make a lasting difference today and into the future? Endowments provide regular distributions of financial support to fund the work that is important to you. Click here to learn more!
The Department of Family Medicine is honored to hold the following endowed professorships.

Endowed Professorship in Native American Health
The Endowed Professorship in Native American Health was established by a generous, anonymous donor in 2022 to enhance the University’s ability to recruit and retain faculty focused on the healthcare needs of Native American and Alaska Native communities. It is the Donors’ hope that this fund will foster vital engagement, research, patient care, and/or healthcare education that will help improve health care delivery for Native American and Alaskan Native communities across the region and the country.
Current holder: James Jarvis, MD
If you are interested in supporting this work, please make a gift.

Helen D. Cohen Endowed Professorship in Family Medicine
The Helen D. Cohen Endowed Professorship in Family Medicine was established in 2012 to enhance the University’s ability to recruit and retain distinguished faculty in the Department of Family Medicine and to honor Helen Dora Cohen. Helen grew up in Everett, WA with her family and graduated Everett High School in 1939. Helen later married and moved to Ballard, where Helen worked as a meat wrapper for Ballard Safeway. She began faithfully saving a portion of each paycheck. As a result, over the years, Helen’s investments became substantial, and she left the majority of her estate to the UW School of Medicine. Helen lived in her Ballard home until her death at the age of 90 in Nov. 2011.
Current holder: Kari Stephens, PhD
If you are interested in supporting this work, please make a gift.

Rosenblatt Family Endowed Professor of Rural Health
The Rosenblatt Family Endowed Professorship in Rural Health was established to enhance the University’s ability to recruit and retain distinguished faculty in the Department of Family Medicine with experience providing rural healthcare. It is also intended to foster research to improve care delivery to rural areas worldwide.
Current holder: David Evans, M.D.
If you are interested in supporting this work, please make a gift

Theodore J. Phillips Endowed Professorship in Family Medicine
The creation of the Theodore J. Phillips Endowed Professorship in Family Medicine was a joint endeavor between the Department of Family Medicine and the Washington Academy of Family Physicians Foundation (WAFPF). It recognizes the accomplishments of the founding chair of the department, Dr. Theodore J. “Ted” Phillips, and highlights the strong links between the academic department and the community physicians from whom it draws its inspiration and sustenance. The purpose of the endowment is to support a faculty member with strong clinical, educational and research ties to the community who will foster the values that Dr. Phillips established as the foundation of the department: education of students in real-life community settings, strong collaborations with community physicians, and research that helps to improve the delivery of primary care to patients.
Current holder: Jeanne Cawse-Lucas, M.D.
If you are interested in supporting this work, please make a gift.

Stuart J. Farber, M.D. and Annalu Farber Endowed Professorship in Palliative Care Education
The purpose of the Stuart J Farber, M.D. and Annalu Farber Endowed Professorship in Palliative Care Education is to enhance the University’s ability to recruit, retain, and/or provide opportunities for professional development for distinguished faculty in palliative care education. In creating this endowment, it is Stuart and Annalu Farber’s intention to improve both the quality and quantity of palliative care education for current medical students and trainees – as well as for practicing clinicians. This permanent faculty fund will honor Stu Farber’s life-long contributions as a pioneer in palliative care as a specialty locally, regionally and nationally.
Current holder: Melissa Bender, M.D.
If you are interested in supporting this work, please make a gift.
More Information
For more information on supporting the Department of Family Medicine (including how to make donations of stock or on estate giving) please contact:
Matthew Sobotta
Director for System Health Philanthropy
UW Medicine Advancement