Results of the 2004 Health Center Expansion and Recruitment Survey for Health Centers: Analyses for Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho (WWAMI States)
Federally qualified health centers (HCs) face major barriers in recruiting and retaining health professionals, yet there have been no projections of key health professions staffing needs for HCs and proposed new HCs. A study by the University of Washington Rural Health Research Center (RHRC) and collaborators described the current staffing needs of HCs across the United States and the staffing, recruitment, and retention issues that HC chief executive officers (CEO) regard as most critical throughout the nation as a whole. Presented here is a subset of the findings from the larger national study for HCs located in Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho (WWAMI) overall and by urban and rural geography.
Authors | Title | Type | Date | Documents/Media |
Andrilla CHA, Hart LG | Results of the 2004 health center expansion and recruitment survey for health centers: analyses for Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho (WWAMI states) | PUBLICATION | 11-14-2006 | Full report |