Geographic Access to Health Care for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: An Update and National Look


Rural residents generally use fewer medical services, travel farther for care and often have more problems accessing medical and surgical specialists than their urban counterparts. These issues can be particularly problematic for older rural Medicare beneficiaries who need specialist services or for whom long travel distances may pose challenges. The objective of this study was to compare, at a national and Census Division level, where rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries receive ambulatory care, which types of specialists they utilize and how far beneficiaries are traveling to obtain care. In addition to rural/urban comparisons, intra-rural variation in utilization and travel distance will be evaluated and compared.









Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Larson EH, Andrilla CHA, Garberson LA, Evans DV Geographic access to health care for rural Medicare beneficiaries: a national study PUBLICATION 09-07-2021
Policy Brief
Larson EH, Andrilla CHA, Garberson LA, Evans DV Geographic access to health care for rural Medicare beneficiaries in five states: an update PUBLICATION 04-01-2021
Policy Brief