National trends in the perinatal and infant health of rural American Indians (AIs) and Alaska Natives (ANs): have the disparities between AI/ANs and whites narrowed?

  • Authors:

    Baldwin LM, Grossman DC, Murowchick E, Larson EH, Hollow WB, Sugarman JR, Freeman WL, Hart LG

  • Journal/Publisher:

    Seattle, WA: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center, University of Washington

  • Edition:

    Jun 2008. Final Report #111

  • Documents:

    Full report Policy brief

  • Citation:

    Baldwin LM, Grossman DC, Murowchick E, Larson EH, Hollow WB, Sugarman JR, Freeman WL, Hart LG. National trends in the perinatal and infant health of rural American Indians (AIs) and Alaska Natives (ANs): have the disparities between AI/ANs and whites narrowed? Final Report #111. Seattle, WA: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center, University of Washington, Jun 2008.

  • Related Studies:

    National Trends in the Perinatal and Infant Health Care of Rural and Urban American Indians (AIs) and Alaska Natives (ANs)