Why the UW for family medicine?
Our family medicine residency is located in the beautiful city of Seattle, and is the only academic medical center in Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. Excellence in education and an emphasis on quality patient care are hallmarks of training at the UW. Our residents train in a variety of practice settings, including rural community practice, urban underserved practice and tertiary academic medical centers. Whether leading a medicine team at one of Seattle’s major hospitals or caring for patients at a community practice site in Alaska or Montana, our residents are on the cutting edge of training in family medicine. We encourage you to not only apply to our residency, but to this unique opportunity to experience resident life in Seattle with us.
It is the University of Washington’s mission to advance excellence through diversity, which we can only achieve if you decide to apply.
Medical Students at UWFMR
The University of Washington Department of Family Medicine has a strong commitment to student education/teaching, which is exemplified through the Family Medicine Department’s Divisions of Medical Student Education and Residency. Due to our commitments to the UW School of Medicine, we only offer third-year Family Medicine Clerkship training to internal UW students. We do offer a Sub-Internship rotation to both UW and external students during their late third and fourth year of training. The Sub-Internship is an intensive, combined inpatient and outpatient course with a defined curriculum and schedule. Nonetheless, our faculty coordinator for student rotations works with students to consider the specific goals of the student and tailor, where possible, the rotation to the interests of the individual student. Students will work closely with both residents and faculty of our Program and have the opportunity to gain insight into the field of Family Medicine and what it’s like to train in an academically vibrant setting.
The sub-internship is currently available all year with the exception of a few dates when other special training is occurring in the residency program. The residency and department additionally provides teaching to MS1s, MS2s and MS3s of the University of Washington School of Medicine for Family Medicine student courses. Residents in our program take a direct role in the teaching and development of our medical student education within the program.
For more information, to inquire on Sub-I availability, or any other questions, email fmedres@uw.edu
>Click here to read more about the Sub-Internship Registration
Underrepresented Sub-Internship
Please be aware that when funding is available we offer funded sub-internships for students who are from underrepresented groups in medicine. For information please send an email to fmedres@uw.edu