
Ben Dunlap
Research Scientist/Engineer 3


CHWS Publications

For full listings, please visit the CHWS website

Skillman SM, Dunlap B. Washington State’s Behavioral Health Workforce: Examination of Education and Training Needs and Priorities for Future Assessment Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 07-01-2022

Dunlap B, Basye A, Skillman SM.. Background Checks and the Health Workforce: Practices, Policies and Equity Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 11-01-2021

O’Connor JG, Dunlap B, Gattman NE, Skillman SM. Washington’s Behavioral Health Workforce: Barriers and Solutions. Phase II Report and Recommendations Washington Workforce Board and Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 12-01-2020

O’Connor JG, Gattman NE, Coleman L, Dunlap B, Skillman SM. Washington’s behavioral health workforce: Barriers and solutions. Phase I Report and Recommendations 11-01-2019


CHWS Presentations

For full listings, please visit the CHWS website

Mroz TM, Skillman SM, Dunlap B. State Support for Community College and Impact on Diversity in Health Professions Programs AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA

Mroz TM, Skillman SM, Dunlap B. State Support for Community College and Impact on Diversity in Health Professions Programs Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C.

Stubbs BA, Dunlap B. Washington State’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network Update Washington Health Workforce Council

Skillman SM, Stubbs BA, O’Connor J, Dunlap B. Engaging stakeholders to address health workforce challenges: Recent projects from the Center for Health Workforce Studies at the University of Washington Northwest Rural Health Conference