Benjamin Stubbs
Research Scientist
Ben holds an M.P.H. in Epidemiology from the University of Washington and a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University. He joined the Department of Family Medicine Research Section in 2016. His previous work includes research on improving healthcare utilization in rural Africa, expanding the preventive care role of emergency medical services providers in Washington State and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest surveillance and quality improvement. Ben is an enthusiastic traveler and explorer of the outdoors.
CHWS Publications
For full listings, please visit the CHWS website
Stubbs BA, Nguyen NH, Guenther GA, Skillman SM. Washington’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Summary of Spring 2024 Findings Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 06-13-2024
Guenther GA, Pollack SW, Stubbs BA, Frogner BK, Skillman SM. Characteristics of the Current Dental Hygienist Workforce in Washington State Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 08-08-2024
Pollack SW, Guenther GA, Stubbs BA, Patterson DG, Frogner BK, Skillman SM. Characteristics of the Current Dental Assistant and Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary Workforces in Washington State Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 05-20-2024
Stubbs BA, Nguyen NH, Guenther GA, Skillman SM. Washington’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Summary of Fall 2023 Findings Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 03-01-2024
Patterson DG, van Eijk MS, Pollack SW, Stubbs B, Hanson C. The EMS and Community Paramedic Workforces Respond to COVID-19 Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 06-01-2023
CHWS Presentations
For full listings, please visit the CHWS website
Stubbs BA. Washington’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Summary of Recent Findings Health Workforce Council Listening Session, Yakima, WA
Stubbs BA, Skillman SM. Washington’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network Oregon Healthcare Workforce Committee Meeting, Virtual Event
Pollack SW, Guenther GA, Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Stubbs BA. Using the Washington Oral Health Workforce Tracking Program to Improve Understanding of Washington’s Dental Assistant Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD
Pollack SW, Guenther GA, Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Stubbs BA. Understanding Washington’s Oral Health Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD
Stubbs BA. The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network Overview Children & Youth Behavioral Health Workforce and Rates Subgroup Meeting, Virtual Event