Students can get involved in the research enterprise by conducting studies of their own design under faculty guidance, or working in an ongoing research team. Research can meet the requirements for III Selective 1 – Hypothesis Driven Inquiry. Funding is available for full time research effort through theMSRTP and the Family Medicine Student Research Externship.
Follow these steps in creating a rewarding research experience and completing your IIII requirement in Family Medicine.
- Choose your III Selective.
- Focus on a topic.
- Find a sponsor.
- Refine your research question.
- Design the study.
- Submit your III Proposal.
- Conduct the research.
- Analyze your data.
- Write your report.
- Present your results
Human Subjects Protection (IRB)
If your proposed research involves humans or their tissues or information bout them, you need human subjects review and approval. You need this approval BEFORE you contact any subjects for any reason. You must also complete an online training program. See the Human Subjects Division.
UW III-1 Resources
Process for completing a III Project