Inclusive Resources

Who is at greatest risk?

CDC Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging Program outlines greatest risk factors for Alzheimer’s and dementia

Alzheimer’s Risk


National Asian Pacific Center on Aging

NAPCA aims to ensure that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) elders have the programs and services they need wherever they live in the U.S and promotes dignity, well-being, and quality of life of AAPI older adults.

Seattle Specific Resources


Participating in Alzheimer’s Research

What is clinical research and why is it important to participate?

Participating in Research

Local opportunities to participate in clinical research at the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC):


The AD8 has been translated into Spanish. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have published the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s in Spanish. Additionally resources through MedlinePlus have a large array of information about dementia in Spanish.

Spanish Language Resources

Translated Dementia Information

Dementia Australia provides basic informational material on dementia in 38 different languages. While some of the material is specific to Australia, the website covers broad topics useful to people in every country.

Information in other languages



Indigenous Aging Resources

Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at the University provides caregiving resources and information for Native Americans and Alaska Natives struggling with memory loss.

Indigenous Aging Resources


GenPride offers innovative programs and services that promote wellbeing and prevent social isolation, cultivate belonging through community connection for older LGBTQIA+ adults.


African American Resources

Brain Health Center for African Americans provides culturally tailored resources and materials on Alzheimer’s prevention, treatment, research, and caregiver support.

Brain Health Center

Support Groups

Washington Alzhemier’s Association Chapter curates a list of current support groups, including location specific, diagnosis specific, and specific caregiver groups such as adult children or LGBTQIA+ caregivers.

Support Groups