Dementia Roadmap
A 28-page guide in English or Spanish for families and caregivers. It offers guidance about what to do when a person experiences changes in memory and thinking. It also offers information and tips about what to expect and steps to take if someone in your family has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. To order paper copies email: Dementiaroadmap@dshs.wa.gov
Dementia Roadmap
Mapa De La Demencia

Living with Memory Loss Handbook
A basic handbook developed with guidance from people living with memory loss and their care partners. It is136 pages but downloadable chapter by chapter and translated in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese
Living With Memory Loss: A Basic Guide
A FREE introductory class for people recently diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Run by an expert panel including peer mentors, they walk through the Living with Memory Loss Guide.