Helping Your Care Team
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Topic | Description |
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Resources for Psychological First Aid | Resources on how to administer Psychological First Aid from the Trauma Recovery Innovations program |
How to Assess Front-Line Workers for Mental Health Concerns | A step by step guide to how to assess front-line workers presenting with mental health issues during COVID-19 from the American Psychological Association |
Quick Tips for Patients and Ourselves and Psychological First Aid | Slides presented by Dr. Kari Stephens providing a QUICK SUMMARIES of mental health and psychological responses to COVID-19, messages for front-line workers, good practices, fatigue management, online forums for clinicians to get support, psychological first aid an more. |
Quick Guide for Psychological First Aid Health Care for Leaders and Managers | A set of slides to rapidly explain PFA for managers and leaders to use quickly. |
Extensive Guide for Psychological First Aid Health Care providers during COVID | An extensive guide for health care works to help guide self-care during COVID pandemic. |
Sustaining Healthcare Personnel During COVID | Quick (one page) strategies for wellbeing for health care professionals |
UW Huddle – COVID-19 Updates | UW Medicine's official website of COVID-19 updates |
Big list of mental health and COVID resoures | Mental Health America's list of vetted mental health and COVID resources across many areas |
How to talk to kids about the cornavirus crisis | A quick set of tips on how to talk to children about the Cornavirus crisis from the Child Mind Institute |
Provider Mental Health Support Resources | Find mental health resources to help providers in WA specifically during COVID-19. |
Immediate resource for quick confidential talk | Access a help line to request a confidential talk with one our psychiatry and psychology faculty. |
UW Medicine COVID-19 Support Website | UW Medicine's COVID-19 support website of resources |
How to Combat Zoom Fatigue | This Harvard Business Review article offers concrete suggestions for battling zoom fatigue. |
Guidance for planners of the psychological response to stress by staff and providers | The following guidance is collated from research, best practice guidelines and expert clinical opinion. This guidance is not an exhaustive list of recommendations but is intended to inform planners, managers and team leaders of the organisational and psychological processes which are likely to be helpful, or unhelpful, in supporting staff during the early stages of the response to COVID. |
APA Website: Resources for Psychiatrists, Families, Healthcare workers | The American Psychiatry Association page with links for psychiatrists, families and health care providers for addressing COVID stress. |
Center for Study of Traumatic Stress Workers Resources | Comprehensive page from the Center for Study of Traumatic Stress with links to resources for a range of front line staff. |
CDC Emergency Responder Tips for Selfcare | General tips from the CDC for first responder self-care |