What Types of Changes in Employment Status Have Been Most Common Among Health Care Workers as a Result of the COVID-19 Emergency?
We heard of redeployments, furloughs, and layoffs, among other work status changes for health care workers across health care settings as a result of the COVID-19 emergency. These terms were not used consistently and can result in confusion in descriptions of the state of the health workforce. Among the most common system changes affecting work status were reduced clinic volume and revenue, and surge-induced demand to care for COVID-19 patients. In describing the different employment changes, we indicated which situations typically continued to confer some or all of the employees’ wages, which typically led to unemployment claims, etc. And we discussed the settings (type of health care service delivered, size and characteristics of facility) that were more likely to redeploy, furlough, and/or lay off employees during the emergency.
Lead Researchers: Bianca K. Frogner, PhD and Susan Skillman, MS
Contact Info: bfrogner@uw.edu, skillman@uw.edu
HRSA: HWRC Health Equity
Authors | Title | Type | Date | Documents/Media |
Oster NV, Skillman SM, Frogner BK | COVID-19’s Effect on the Employment Status of Health Care Workers | PUBLICATION | 05-26-2021 | Policy Brief |