Department of Family Medicine in the News

Top 20 Research Studies of 2014 for Primary Care Physicians
Matthew Thompson’s article, “Duration of symptoms of respiratory tract infections in children: systematic review,” was ranked as one of the 20 research studies of 2014 most highly relevant for primary care physicians. Out of more than 20,000 research studies published in 110 English-language research journals. A total of 20 POEMs that were rated highest for clinical relevance by at least 500 Canadian Medical Association physicians 2014.
Spokane’s William G. Sayres, Jr. MD Confirmed as Inaugural Holder of the Smith Family Endowed Chair in Medicine
The University of Washington Board of Regents has confirmed William G. Sayres, Jr., MD as the inaugural holder of the Smith Family Endowed Chair in Medicine. This new endowed chair marks a significant investment in expanded medical education in eastern Washington. As Assistant Dean for the UW School of Medicine in Spokane, Sayres directs the primary pre-clinical education, also known as the Foundations phase of the medical education curriculum in Spokane. The Foundations phase encompasses the first 18 months of the curriculum and is completed by all UW medical students.